Walk and Talk at Coyote Springs
Mindy Bell, STEM City
Thursday, August 4th at 6:00pm

Coyote Springs site with historic box construction prior to site rehabilitation. Photo courteous of Gary Alpert
Springs of the San Francisco Peaks represent a source of life for the natural world, and humans have had historical ties to these water sources for thousands of years. With such a rich history of supporting life in the region, springs like Coyote Springs create a unique opportunity to reflect, relate, and learn about local socioecological interactions.
Please join us Thursday, August 4th at 6pm for a walk and talk to Coyote Springs. Mindy Bell, of STEM City, will give a brief overview of her past work at the springs with students from the Flagstaff Arts & Leadership Academy (FALA).
Following our meeting, we welcome you to join us for live music, food, and drinks at the Museum of Northern Arizona’s “Thirsty Thursday” event! Bring cash for this event.
Please meet and park vehicles at the north end of the Museum of Northern Arizona’s parking lot at 6pm. We will walk from there to Coyote Springs. Wear sturdy shoes and sunscreen, and it would not hurt to bring a filled water bottle.
We look forward to a great summer walk and talk with you Thursday, August 4th!