February 16, 2 pm
MNA Branger Chase Auditorium

Learn more about efforts to set aside 90 acres of MNA land through permanent conservation easements. So far, donors have been found to support the preservation of 36 acres, and the board members are actively seeking more conservation-minded donors for the remaining 54 acres. This public meeting will be held in the MNA Branigar-Chase Auditorium and is open to all.
With a commanding view of the San Francisco Peaks and the Dry Lake Hills, the nearly 90-acre tract of grasslands and ponderosa pine forest known as “Colton Meadows” has inherent value to people and wildlife. For many years, the MNA Board of Trustees has struggled with what to do with this property, which was bought in 1977 as an investment. While the land has an estimated market value of $3 million in Flagstaff’s current real estate market, the museum board and many members of the community feel the acreage has even more value as open space. The land is an important migration route for elk, a watershed, and is used by hikers, bikers and equestrians.
The board decided to pursue preserving the property by placing the land under conservation easements. In order to afford setting the land aside, MNA seeks donors willing to invest in preserving this land for our greater community.
So far, two donors have stepped forward, preserving parcels A and C. A binding conservation easement to protect the first 18-acres was signed on Oct. 4 and recorded with Coconino County. The easement prevents any building or tree clearing on the property. The only permitted uses are non-invasive research and trails, including specifically allowing for future trail improvements and easements for the Flagstaff Urban Trail System (FUTS).
The museum board is hopeful that now more donors will step forward to preserve the remaining 54 acres. Anyone interested is encouraged to contact the board by sending an email to meadows@musnaz.org .
The Baseline Documentation Report can be viewed at: https://musnaz.org/wp-content/