The Rio connects Flagstaff, and we can use it for collaborative educational purposes.
Photo: Chelsea describes watershed features during Earth Day, April 22nd, 2017. Photo courteous of Anya Nova Metcalfe.
Instituting FEET: Flagstaff Environmental Education Team
Speaker: Dr. Neil Cobb, NAU Research Professor and Director of the Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research
Thursday, May 4th at 6pm
Montoya Community Center
As America’s 1st STEM Community, Flagstaff is poised to integrate a robust education-outreach program that will take advantage of the 20+ STEM-oriented local organizations and schools, by engaging students in science through inquiry-based curricula and activities.
Join us on Thursday, May 4th as we hear from Dr. Neil Cobb on Instituting FEET: the Flagstaff Environmental Education Team. Neil is a research professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Arizona University and Director of the Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research.
In coordination with organizations throughout Flagstaff, including the Friends of the Rio de Flag, Neil is leading the FEET team to engage the community in local education, research, and restoration.
We hope to see you next Thursday, May 4th to hear from Neil, and to find out how the Friends of the Rio de Flag can best participate in FEET