Chelsea points out watershed features during Earth Day 2017 at Heritage Square. Photo courteous of Anya Nova Metcalfe.
Dear friends and family,
I am overjoyed to announce that last week we met and surpassed our fundraising goal to support my second service term with the Friends of the Rio de Flag! I am very grateful for all of your support and can’t wait to spend another year giving back to this amazing community.
If you have not already, I invite you to join us for a public meeting on the first Thursdays of the month at 6pm at the Montoya Community Center (245 N Thorpe Rd). Every month we invite a different speaker to share information about ongoing projects in our watershed and other watersheds throughout Arizona. In addition, we host volunteer events during the year that we post to our website (www.friendsoftheriodeflag.org) and our Facebook page.
I can’t thank you enough for your support for this project, and I look forward to sharing my progress over the course of the next year as I seek to provide outdoor, place-based experiences for youth in the community. And hopefully one day we’ll see these youth pursuing local careers that act to both strengthen our community and protect and restore our local watershed.
During our last week of the Rio Awareness, we introduced citizen science and its importance in protecting and restoring habitat for the benefit of wildlife and people alike. Stay in touch as we develop our own citizen science projects to collect data along the Rio de Flag! We will be rolling out these projects over the summer so that you can contribute your scientific observations about the Rio de Flag to our watershed planning efforts.
See you next time along the Rio!