Thursday, June 1st at 5:30pm
Meet at Picture Canyon Parking Area

Map depicting the Rio de Flag FUTS Extension Project (outlined in red).
Source: Coconino County Public Works
The Flagstaff Urban Trail System provides a transportation and recreation corridor for Flagstaff residents. In addition, the FUTS snakes through Flagstaff open spaces used by many different wildlife species.
Join us on Thursday, June 1 at 5:30pm with James Guidotti, Coconino County Public Works Capital Project Manager, for a walking tour of the recently completed Rio de Flag FUTS Extension Project. James and representatives from the local firm, WLB Group, Inc., will discuss the goals of the project including restoring the canyon slopes so that they emulate the natural surrounding landscape of the area.
Join us next Thursday, June 1st for our first field trip meeting of the summer! We will meet at 5:30pm at the Picture Canyon parking area (see map of parking) and walk to the site.