- Volunteers cleanup Switzer Canyon Wash at Foxglen in celebration of Colorado River Days on September 3rd, 2017.
- Volunteers cleanup Switzer Canyon Wash at Foxglen in celebration of Colorado River Days on September 3rd, 2017.
A big thanks to all of the hard-working volunteers who came out to cleanup and pull weeds along the Rio de Flag on Sunday, September 3rd as part of Colorado River Days! This motivated group of 10 people picked up 5 bags of trash and 1 bag of recycling along a half-mile stretch of watershed including the Rio de Flag and one of its tributaries, Switzer Canyon Wash.
Continue celebrating Colorado River Days with more interesting events through September 15th at:

Rio de Flag Community Weed Pull and Cleanup, Sept. 3, 2017, Volunteers picking up trash along the channel of Switzer Wash near confluence with Rio de Flag, Flagstaff, Arizona