Frances Short Pond along the Rio de Flag with a view of the Peaks in the background. Tom Bean Photography
Flagstaff Walks!
Flagstaff Community Market
Flagstaff Community Market
Guide: Chelsea Silva,
Friends of the Rio de Flag Executive Director
Sunday, October 1st at 9am
Meet at Flagstaff Walks! booth at market entrance
The Friends of the Rio de Flag October membership meeting is cancelled due to temporary closure of the Montoya Community Center.
We will resume membership meetings in November (Nov. 2nd), but in the mean time join our Executive Director, Chelsea Silva, for a walk this Sunday, October 1st. Chelsea will lead a walk from the Flagstaff Community Market to Frances Short Pond. She will provide updates on the U.S. Army Corps Rio de Flag Flood Control Project Design and other Rio-related projects.
We hope you can make it out for a leisurely hike this Sunday!