Annual Potluck Meeting
- When: Thursday, December 7th
- 6-7:30pm
- Where: Montoya Community Center,
- 245 N Thorpe
This year has been a big one for the Friends of the Rio de Flag and we want to share our accomplishments with you, the members of the organization.
Join us on Thursday, December 7th for our annual potluck! Meet members of the Board (if you haven’t already) and learn about our 2017 achievements. We will also host elections for Board of Directors.
Bring a friend and your favorite dish to share in this year’s feast!
Cast your Ballot for Board of Directors
When: Now until December 7th
Where: Cast your online ballot here! Voting is for members only.
What: Online voting for the reelection of four Board Members. To vote, please follow this link to the anonymous ballot. Voting is for members only. This online ballot will be available until 12AM on December 7th. In-person voting will be made available at the Annual Potluck on Thursday, December 7th. Board Member positions are three-year terms and are volunteer-based.
Take the Watershed Survey

Rio de Flag viewed from Stardust Road and north end of Rio Rancho and April Roads, Nov. 16, 2017, Doney Park neighborhood, northeast of Flagstaff, Arizona; Photo courteous of Tom Bean Photography
What benefits do you receive from the Rio de Flag? What are the issues you face with the Rio? How do you use the Rio and where?
The Friends of the Rio de Flag has partnered with the City of Flagstaff and Coconino County to get your input on the Rio de Flag. Share your experiences by taking this survey on the City of Flagstaff’s Community Forum before December 17th.
All participants will be entered into a raffle to win cool prizes!