Daily Archives: January 2, 2018

Walk the Walk with Jack Welch!

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The new year is upon us, and Jack Welch is ready for you to join his walks! Start 2018 off right by joining Jack for his Walk the Walk series this January. Here is the schedule of walks for January! Don’t miss out!

Here are a few upcoming walks:


FRIDAY 5 DECEMBER 2018 – Walk Toward Spring

  • Start Location: Flagstaff Mall in the parking lot behind Sears next to the Mall Food Court Entrance
  • Time: 9:00 AM
  • About three total miles in and around that area. We can walk inside the Mall if the weather is really roiling, but that is always our last option. And please remember: the consumption of a Giant Pretzel is strictly forbidden during a Non-Festivus activity. And you shouldn’t eat one either.

SATURDAY 6 JANUARY 2018 – Babbitt Springs

  • Start Location: Parking Area next to the Upper Lake Mary Dam (second dam)
  • Time: 1:00 PM
  • A walk to a historical site – Babbitt Spring and Homestead Site. We haven’t been there in a while and a story about a recent Randy Wilson hike there peaked my interest. Will the weather continue to be warm and balmy? We would prefer some snow, but if it hasn’t arrived yet we’ll do this interesting hike. A Snow Shoe adventure is optional – weather dependent!

SUNDAY 7 JANUARY 2018 – WALK THE WALK with a snow shoe option – Weather dependent

  • Proposed John Wesley Powell Blvd Connection
  • Start Location: Old Ranger Station parking area on Lake Mary Road across from John Wesley Powell Blvd
  • Time: 1:00 PM
  • We’ll traverse along the Pulliam Airport runway and enter the woods leading to the FAA facility.