Author Archives: Administrator
Rio de Flag awarded 2021 Learning Network Expert Award in the category of Environmental Justice & Equity
World Wetlands Day 2021
Water and Wetlands
The 2021 campaign highlights the contribution of wetlands to the quantity and quality of freshwater on our planet. Water and wetlands are connected in an inseparable co-existence
Hashtags: #WorldWetlandsDay #RestoreWetlands
Twitter Handles: @RamsarConv @martharojasu1 Secretary General
Rio for the People Session 5 – January 20th 5:30-7:00
Nature Elevated: Benefiting Native Ecosystems of the Rio de Flag Watershed
Join us for the Kickoff event Nov. 10 at 5:30pm: Understanding Our Changing Watershed
Please come join us at the kickoff event, Understanding Our Changing Watershed, learn about the watershed from a wide range of perspectives, and then provide your public input on the upcoming watershed restoration plan! Teaser: there will be a cool interactive map.
Register for Understanding Our Changing Watershed here: meeting/register/ tZAsfu2srDsiHtyYYWPC- 5JBnO1iEQsRGZo6
Explore the Watershed brought to you by the new Watershed Alliance for the Rio de Flag. Learn more about the whole project here:
Parched: The Art of Water in the Southwest
DamNation screening on November 12
You are invited to join the Society of Ecological Restoration NAU Student Association for a synchronous screening of DamNation and a virtual panel discussion with river restoration experts to follow on Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 5:30-7:30pm MST.
DamNation is a documentary on the building and removal of dams in the USA. You can watch the trailer here.
The virtual panel discussion will include Jane Marks (NAU), Michael Bogan (UA), and Bridget Deemer (USGS) and will be held on zoom after the screening. Zoom link will be provided at the screening.
Register for the screening here! The link and password will be provided on the screen after you submit your registration. Make sure to save that information and log a few minutes before the screening begins.