Restoration project in Flagstaff, “Return of the Rio” – working with local children to grow trees and learn about restoration issues. Photo credit: ARC Facebook page
Friends of the Rio Monthly Meeting Reminder
Presenter: Kevin Grady, ARC Director, Research Professor, NAU School of Forestry
Time and Date: Thursday, April 7th at 6:00pm
Location: Montoya Community Center, Flagstaff
Climate change and exotic species invasions present unprecedented challenges for restoration groups throughout Arizona. Science-based initiatives are necessary for carrying out restoration in order to address these challenges and design successful projects.
Please join us next Thursday, April 7th for a presentation by Kevin Grady, NAU Research Professor and the Director of the Adaptive Restoration Community, a science-based ecological restoration community. Kevin will highlight his climate research and his current restoration efforts in the local area. He will also introduce his outreach program for Flagstaff schools.
We look forward to seeing you next Thursday at 6:00pm at the Montoya Community Center.