Walk and Talk at Sinclair Wash and the I-40 Wetlands
Thursday, September 1st at 5:30pm

The summer monsoon season means fields of golden tickseed blooming at the I-40 wetlands. Photo courteous of Tom Bean
A surprisingly deep canyon cuts through Flagstaff and opens up unto a constructed wetland area at Interstate 40. I am, of course, referring to Sinclair Wash and the I-40 wetlands, a section along the Flagstaff Urban Trail System frequented by families, students, and wildlife alike.
Join us Thursday, September 1st at 5:30pm for a leisurely walk along Sinclair Wash from Willow Bend to the I-40 wetlands. Several speakers will join us to discuss current and future restoration projects, urban wildlife, and research at the wetlands on the effects of endocrine disruptor chemicals on amphibians.
Please meet and park vehicles at Willow Bend Environmental Education Center. If the lot is full, additional parking is available at the nearby sheriff’s station. We will walk from Willow Bend downstream to the I-40 wetlands. Wear sturdy shoes and bring a filled water bottle.
We look forward to another summer walk and talk September 1st!