Membership Meeting: What Happens to the Water After It Leaves Picture Canyon?
Hannah Griscom, Arizona Game and Fish Department
Thursday, February 2nd at 6pm
Montoya Community Center

Canyon of the Rio de Flag at Logan’s Crossing. Photo courteous of Tom Bean.
Join us Thursday, February 2nd to examine the mystery of diminishing water at Logan’s Crossing through preliminary data collected by Hannah Griscom, Arizona Game and Fish Department. Hannah will discuss the factors that may be contributing to the decline, discuss the role of the County and the Friends of the Rio, and ask for your input on the future of effluent discharges into the Rio.
The Rio de Flag is an ephemeral stream that relies upon storm events to provide intermittent flow. At the same time, treated effluent delivers water to the Rio de Flag at several locations throughout the City.
Last year, community members expressed concern over diminishing water levels in the Rio de Flag at Logan’s Crossing, just downstream of Doney Park. What is happening to this water? Is there a hope of getting it back? Join us Thursday, February 2nd to find out!
***In addition to Hannah’s presentation, we will have a short conversation at the end of our meeting to discuss the current state of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers flood control project