Daily Archives: June 5, 2017

Flagstaff receives $1M from US for flood control project

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Associated Press • June 5, 2017 • S

(AP) — Flagstaff officials say $1 million provided by the federal government will be used for design work and related preparations for the Rio de Flag flood control project.

Officials say the funding from the Army Corps of Engineers will allow the city to acquire land for the project and proceed with final design and other steps.

According to city officials, Rio de Flag is a “critical infrastructure project” needed to reduce the risk of significant flooding and avoid damage to 1,500 structures.

Officials also say completion of the project would eliminate requirements for flood insurance. The estimated total cost of the project is $90 million, with more than half that amount still unfunded.

To view this article online, please visit the AZ Daily Sun.

The Board of Directors of the Friends of the Rio de Flag will request to hold a stakeholder position in the design of the final flood control project and in review of this design. We will keep members and the public engaged through blog postings on our website, Facebook communications, and email messages (if you would like to receive email notifications, please sign up here).

Please send any questions or comments to Chelsea Silva at deflagrio@gmail.com.