We have had to cancel our in-person meetings this spring – but now we are back with a zoom meeting on June 4 at 6:00. Dr. Ben Ruddell, Associate Professor, School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University, will be discussing a citizen science possibility on the Rio de Flag. Perhaps you have seen one of the stations with a water level marker and a sign about how to participate. Dr. Ruddell will explain how to take part in the study. Please join us on June 4.

It is a great time to be outside, about the safest place to be these days according to several studies. We encourage all to get outside on the Rio de Flag. It is especially beautiful now with the trees leafing out and abundant bird song. Last week I was walking the section in Coconino Estates and a string quartet was playing in a back yard, right next to the FUTS trail. It was sublime. But we have an added reason to be out on the Rio – taking part in citizen science. Beauty, exercise, birdsong, and science – the Rio has it all.
Information on how to participate in the zoom meeting will be sent to our members. If you would like to be in on the meeting but do not get an invitation, please send an email to deflagrio@gmail.com.