Author Archives: Administrator

Annual Membership Meeting (Potluck!)

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Annual Potluck Meeting

  • When: Thursday, December 7th
    • 6-7:30pm
  • Where: Montoya Community Center,
    • 245 N Thorpe

This year has been a big one for the Friends of the Rio de Flag and we want to share our accomplishments with you, the members of the organization.

Join us on Thursday, December 7th for our annual potluck! Meet members of the Board (if you haven’t already) and learn about our 2017 achievements. We will also host elections for Board of Directors.

Bring a friend and your favorite dish to share in this year’s feast!

Cast your Ballot for Board of Directors

When: Now until December 7th

Where: Cast your online ballot here! Voting is for members only.

What: Online voting for the reelection of four Board Members. To vote, please follow this link to the anonymous ballot. Voting is for members only. This online ballot will be available until 12AM on December 7th. In-person voting will be made available at the Annual Potluck on Thursday, December 7th. Board Member positions are three-year terms and are volunteer-based.

Take the Watershed Survey

Rio de Flag viewed from Stardust Road and north end of Rio Rancho and April Roads, Nov. 16, 2017, Doney Park neighborhood, northeast of Flagstaff, Arizona; Photo courteous of Tom Bean Photography

What benefits do you receive from the Rio de Flag? What are the issues you face with the Rio? How do you use the Rio and where?

The Friends of the Rio de Flag has partnered with the City of Flagstaff and Coconino County to get your input on the Rio de Flag. Share your experiences by taking this survey on the City of Flagstaff’s Community Forum before December 17th.

All participants will be entered into a raffle to win cool prizes!


Make a Difference Day brings together Flagstaff residents at Willow Bend

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Volunteers working to restore a native habitat garden at Willow Bend Environmental Education Center, during Make a Difference Day, Oct. 28, 2017, volunteers participate in effort to restore Willow Bend habitat gardens, establish native vegetation on slopes, and clean up trash along the Rio de Flag below gardens at 703 E. Sawmill Road, Flagstaff, Arizona

Last Saturday, October 28th, volunteers gathered at Willow Bend Environmental Education Center for Make a Difference Day. Between restoring Willow Bend habitat gardens, establishing vegetation on the slopes, and cleaning up trash along the Rio de Flag, volunteers gave back to their community in a big way.

Thank you to all those organizations involved in putting this event together including the City of Flagstaff Sustainability Section, Friends of Willow Bend Gardens, and Coconino County Parks & Recreation, among others. Check out photos from the event below. And, of course, thank you to the community for coming out and truly making a difference!

Nov 2: What’s New with the Rio de Flag?

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Membership Meeting: Updates from the Board and City of Flagstaff Community Development

Thursday, November 2nd, 6pm

Montoya Community Center

Volunteers cleanup Switzer Canyon Wash at Foxglen in celebration of Colorado River Days on September 3rd, 2017.

As we gear up for the final months of 2017, the Board of Directors will dedicate the November membership meeting to updates on Rio de Flag happenings. Topics to be covered include:

  • Update on the Rio de Flag Flood Control Project Design with City of Flagstaff Community Development Department staff
  • Friends of the Rio’s Proposal for submission to the Flagstaff Open Space, Parks, and Recreation Campaign
  • Update on Rio watershed planning efforts including meetings with the City and County, watershed public survey, and plans for addressing environmental justice in the Southside Neighborhood with the Southside Community Association
  • Elections in December

With so many updates, you won’t want to miss this meeting!

We hope to see you on Thursday, November 2nd.


October Membership Meeting Cancelled, But Flagstaff Walks!

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Frances Short Pond along the Rio de Flag with a view of the Peaks in the background. Tom Bean Photography

Flagstaff Walks!
Flagstaff Community Market
Guide: Chelsea Silva,
Friends of the Rio de Flag Executive Director
Sunday, October 1st at 9am
Meet at Flagstaff Walks! booth at market entrance
The Friends of the Rio de Flag October membership meeting is cancelled due to temporary closure of the Montoya Community Center.
We will resume membership meetings in November (Nov. 2nd), but in the mean time join our Executive Director, Chelsea Silva, for a walk this Sunday, October 1st. Chelsea will lead a walk from the Flagstaff Community Market to Frances Short Pond. She will provide updates on the U.S. Army Corps Rio de Flag Flood Control Project Design and other Rio-related projects.
We hope you can make it out for a leisurely hike this Sunday!

Rio de Flag composite channel could alleviate floods, keep aesthetics

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Rio de Flag composite channel could alleviate floods, keep aesthetics

Arizona Daily Sun • September 3rd, 2017 • Corina Vanek

A composite channel that carries some water underground while keeping a visible riverbed above ground could be the solution to flooding issues from the Rio de Flag as well as concerns about the aesthetics of the project.

In a presentation meant to update the public on the flood control project as well as gather ideas for what the public would like to see around the Rio, city project manager James Duval said that while most of the specifics of the project have not changed over the years, citizens now have a chance to weigh in on how they would like the upper portion of the Rio to look.

“I’m happy to see they’re looking at the composite channel,” Rick Miller, a board member of Friends of the Rio de Flag said. “The Friends of the Rio would like to see as much as possible of the natural channel.”

Fellow board member Kathy Flaccus echoed Miller’s sentiment, saying she was glad the city and the Army Corps of Engineers seemed to be listening to what the people wanted to see done with the Rio channel.

“We like seeing the water when it’s running,” Flaccus said. “The Rio is such a wonderful attribute for Flagstaff, it links the entire town.”

Flaccus said earlier plans involved putting all of the water in underground culverts, instead of the composite channels, which was worrisome for her.

“The Rio is too much of an amenity for that,” she said.

Miller said he has been able to track flood control studies for the Rio back to 1972, which were created then as a way to make the decision of what to do to mitigate flooding problems.

Along the upper stem of the river, which runs through downtown Flagstaff, many homes back up nearly to the Rio’s bank. Many of the nearby homes have been purchased by the city, Miller said. The city could use part of the lots for the improved Rio channel and use the remainder for a public amenity, including a FUTS trail similar to the one there now, pocket parks or riparian areas.

According to city calculations, a heavy storm and subsequent flooding could cause nearly $1 billion in damages, with much of the cost coming from an almost complete inundation of Northern Arizona University in the event of a 100-year flood, which means a flood that has a 1 percent chance of happening in any given year.

The composite channels are one of several solutions that have been floated throughout the years of the project, but so far, they have been a favorite of many people who are actively involved in preserving the Rio while looking for ways to mitigate flood damage.

So far, the city has invested bout $15.5 million into flood mitigation from the Rio de Flag, Duval said in his presentation. The Army Corps of Engineers, which will take on the largest financial burden for the project, has spent about $25.2 million so far of what is estimated to be a $106 million project. The remaining cost to the city is about $30 million, Duval said in his presentation. The army Corps of Engineers was authorized to spend more than $100 million on the project in 2016, but that money has not yet been allocated.

Once the improvements are completed, the Southside and much of NAU should no longer be in a floodplain. This would eliminate mandatory flood insurance for residents who live in the area and would make it easier and more cost-effective for building or improving buildings in the area.

Miller said the Friends of the Rio have shifted much of their focus to the social justice issues involved with the Rio’s flooding, and said the improvements on the main stem of the Rio, much of which would happen north of Frances Short Pond, could help alleviate the worry for Southside residents.

“We have to retain the current channel in the Southside, but it would only be carrying the local flow,” Miller said. Without the improvement, water that runs down from north of the city limits flows through the Rio and ends up in the Southside, causing heavy flooding in residential areas.

“It’s an environmental justice issue for the Southside,” Flaccus said. “They must have flood insurance and people can’t sell for the full value of their property. It’s very valuable property, near downtown and the university, but what brings the value down is the flood hazard.”

At the meeting, Duval said he plans to come before the city council in November to discuss funding options for the city. City Manager Josh Copley said the options could include a bond question on the 2018 ballot, a specialized fee or a tax.

“It depends on what council will be inclined to send to voters,” Copley said.

The city does not have ongoing funding budgeted for the Rio project, and Copley said the city must continue contributing to the project to pay for a contractor’s services and to keep the Army Corps of Engineers involved.

“As the money has come through, we have been able to piecemeal the project,” Copley said. “Now it’s time to put it all together.”

News article available online at AZ Daily Sun.

Thank you to our volunteers!

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A big thanks to all of the hard-working volunteers who came out to cleanup and pull weeds along the Rio de Flag on Sunday, September 3rd as part of Colorado River Days! This motivated group of 10 people picked up 5 bags of trash and 1 bag of recycling along a half-mile stretch of watershed including the Rio de Flag and one of its tributaries, Switzer Canyon Wash.

Continue celebrating Colorado River Days with more interesting events through September 15th at:

Rio de Flag Community Weed Pull and Cleanup, Sept. 3, 2017, Volunteers picking up trash along the channel of Switzer Wash near confluence with Rio de Flag, Flagstaff, Arizona

September 7th: Green Infrastructure in Flagstaff with Kieran Sikdar

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Green infrastructure demonstration site at Ponderosa Pine High.

Public Meeting: Flagstaff Green Stormwater Infrastructure Watershed Planning and Design Grant

Thursday, September 7th at 5:30pm

Montoya Community Center,
245 N Thorpe Rd

Watershed Management Group (WMG) is collaborating with the City of Flagstaff to develop an action plan for Green Stormwater Infrastructure. Join us on Thursday, September 7th at 5:30 as we hear from WMG’s Stormwater Engineering Director Kieran Sikdar on the scope and goals of the grant as well as the current progress.

Kieran is passionate about creating prosperous communities by celebrating water in our landscapes. Kieran combines his experience as a Civil Engineer (MS), Certified Floodplain Manager, and Certified Water Harvesting Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in cost benefit analysis, green infrastructure/low impact development design, watershed restoration, and permaculture design.

We look forward to seeing you on September 7th!

Attend Listening Session on Tuesday, August 22nd

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Listening Session 

City of Flagstaff Community Development with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Tuesday, August 22nd, 4-7pm

Council Conference Room, City Hall

In June, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) received $1M in work plan funding to complete the design of the Rio de Flag Flood Control Project.  It is anticipated that Tetra Tech, a California based private design firm retained by the USACE, will take the existing 90% plans and complete the design to the 100% level.

Figure 1. Simple concept drawing for the Composite Channel portion of the Rio de Flag Food Control Project Design. Source: City of Flagstaff

In order to facilitate this project design completion, the City of Flagstaff Community Development section invites the public to attend a Listening Session on Tuesday, August, 22nd from 4-7pm. This Listening Session will allow City staff to update Flagstaff residents on the current state and future timeline for the Rio de Flag Flood Control project. Additionally, residents will have the chance to ask questions about the project and provide input on the composite channel portion of the project design (see Figure 1).

This meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 22nd from     4-7pm at City Hall in the Council Conference Room (211 W Aspen Ave.). Please come prepared with any questions you might have about this project or the project timeline.

September 3rd: Rio de Flag Community Weed Pull and Cleanup

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Rio de Flag Community Weed Pull Cleanup

Sunday, September 3rd

8-11:00 AM

Rio de Flag flowing near Foxglenn Park, after heavy summer rains.

The Rio de Flag is Flagstaff’s river. Like many rivers and streams in the Southwest, “the Rio” appears as a dry wash for most of the year. But when winter storms roll through Flag, and monsoon seasons pick up, the Rio flows through town and makes its way to San Francisco Wash, a tributary to the Little Colorado River.

In celebration of Colorado River Days, the Friends of the Rio de Flag will host a community Rio cleanup upstream of Foxglenn Park on Sunday, September 3rd from 8-11am. Meet at the southern end of 4th Street (use this map to guide you). Parking available in the dirt lot.

Contact Chelsea Silva at or (928) 213-2152 to RSVP.

Location: Rio at Foxglen (meet at dirt parking lot at the southern end of 4th Street; directions available on this Google Map)

Notes: Please dress for weather. Long pants and close-toed shoes recommended. Bring a water bottle. Gloves, trash bags, and trash grabbers will be available for use. Water, coffee, and light breakfast provided.