Rio de Flag Community Weed Pull Cleanup
Sunday, September 3rd
8-11:00 AM

Rio de Flag flowing near Foxglenn Park, after heavy summer rains.
The Rio de Flag is Flagstaff’s river. Like many rivers and streams in the Southwest, “the Rio” appears as a dry wash for most of the year. But when winter storms roll through Flag, and monsoon seasons pick up, the Rio flows through town and makes its way to San Francisco Wash, a tributary to the Little Colorado River.
In celebration of Colorado River Days, the Friends of the Rio de Flag will host a community Rio cleanup upstream of Foxglenn Park on Sunday, September 3rd from 8-11am. Meet at the southern end of 4th Street (use this map to guide you). Parking available in the dirt lot.
Contact Chelsea Silva at or (928) 213-2152 to RSVP.
Location: Rio at Foxglen (meet at dirt parking lot at the southern end of 4th Street; directions available on this Google Map)
Notes: Please dress for weather. Long pants and close-toed shoes recommended. Bring a water bottle. Gloves, trash bags, and trash grabbers will be available for use. Water, coffee, and light breakfast provided.